Updates, Progress, Plans

When I started this adventure some 10 years ago now, I promised myself and some of you I would not post doom and gloom. I would only post or share uplifting and encouraging stories of progress and success. In saying that I will admit 2017 “sucked”! But we can’t know joy without sorrow or growth without pain so here we are moving forward day by day
Family :My dad’s health was a constant concern, draining energy, finances and time in Ohio. He joined my mom in heaven December 2017. In April 2018 we were blessed with a tiny (8lb) angel, my first grandchild. What joy!
Medical: Many of you know last June I stumbled and fell in Mozambique, dislocating my elbow and breaking it in 3 places. After Intensive surgery in South Africa and months of Physical Therapy in the US, I am happy to report I have regain more that 85% mobility and strength. I continue to have limited mobility in the shoulder but plan to see the Orthopedic Dr in South Africa later in July or early August. While I may never gain 100% use and mobility; it is far better than the 0% chance I was given last July. God is Good!
Some Place Special: Due to surgery costs, Family illness and travel expense. We had limited progress on the construction of the Women’s center. However we did complete the foundation floor and walls, bringing all construction to ground level. The next phase is to secure rebar for the bond beams and begin making blocks for the walls. Currently the exchange rate is 58.96 Meticas = 1USD, a bag of Cement is 450 mtz or $7.63. One bag of cement will make 30 cement blocks. (Less than a movie ticket) No.12 rebar is 350 mtz or $5.94 and No.6 rebar is 150 mtz or $2.56. currently we need 1000 each. Total $8500 will complete the next phase. “Many hands makes light work” Galatians 6:9 “Let us not grow weary of doing good, for at the right time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.”
Tariro Vo-Tech Center: In January we began a new session of classes with new students, new curriculum and renewed passion for our mission of bringing hope to Mozambique. The students are busy learning the English name of the tools they use daily. The goal is by graduation Nov 2019 they can tell what they made and how they made it in English. They love “Bingo-Danca” their own spin on Bingo each win requires a dance. We sing songs, play games, color pictures. Teaching new was of learning, making an impact and having fun.