What's Next?

What’s Next for Tucker & Terri—Road Trip w/the Lord
If your are a face book follower, you already know I took a trip to Zambia recently. You have probably seen me declare it was a complete God thing from beginning to end. It was! You might think it was test after test, one disaster after another, what with multiple border crossings, multiple currency changes, numerous police and military stops, limited cell and data service, not to mention miles upon miles of poorly marked roads. I tell you the truth it was amazing every step of the way the Lord had it covered the finances came just in time every time. As I crossed the 1st border without the right currency He provided a wonderful Zimbabwean to pay my way. Even when I had no cell service for hours just at the right time a message went thru connecting the next steps for the journey. I arrived in Harare to discover no diesel fuel on the east end of town (the area I’m familiar with), driving on to find fuel led to needing help to get back to the road I needed to be on. “make a U turn, go to the second robot make a left onto King George, all the way to Laguni Maundi and drive 6 hours. Just as I was told, I made it to Ndola by 6:30 that evening some 881 Km later. I was greeted in Ndola with bible-study at the home of a beautiful converted Hindu family, complete with Indian buffet. Later in the week I had the pleasure of worshiping with them at church. Every step of the way the Lord was there, before every conversation, before every quiet time or reading, and before every meeting. He allowed me opportunity to share the biblical business curriculum that He gave me in the ag classes and sewing classes. He opened doors for me to speak into the lives of the students and instructors. There maybe opportunity to share there again in the future. He covered me with is mercy on the return trip, still no cell or GPS, never missing a turn or a stop. My friends say I walk in favor; I don’t know about that but it was a road trip I will never forget..... Not ever.
All the Way to the Front Gate - Oops an Accident
Driving 17 hours on Friday Sleeping over in Marondera, Zimbabwe with our friends the Grobblers, I finished the 5 hr drive home to Gondola on Saturday. So glad to be sleeping in my own bed and snuggle my friend Tucker. As I slowed down put on my turn signal, the fellow behind me sped up and attempted to pass me. As you can imagine metal against metal, neither of us went far. Praise God no one was hurt. The other truck totaled. My truck some body damage, taillight, side mirror, front fender and bull- bar all repairable. He has insurance. I had a body shop estimate 85,600 mtz (about $3000) but everyone says the workmanship in the area is not good. My visa requires I leave the country every 30 days so off to South Africa we go. Tucker got a real shampoo and cut. My friend Karen treated me to a shampoo and cut. The body shop here says $1500 and 1 week to re- pair. The next challenge to get back to Mozambique for work- shops in Xia Xia on the 11th of Nov. I am praying for provision, open doors, and favor in travel to and from the workshops as well as the cost for repairs to the truck and wisdom as to whether or not to try to sell it now.
Transitions - Getting from Point A to Point B
The process of establishing something new and different in Mozambique is definitely new and different. The country has just successfully completed a democratic national election. While the long reigning Marxist political party is still in office many changes are on the horizon. New policies for obtaining visas, new procedures for setting up businesses. The following is a list of the steps we must follow and the documents needed before we can begin the coffee shop/ education center. Please join with me in prayer as we walk thru this new land step by step. We estimate it will take 6-8 mos.