Winter to Spring

Catching up
Time goes by so fast! Seems like just yesterday I was packing for the “World Race” but here I am 8 yrs later living in Central Mozambique. In December I received a call saying my dad was very ill. He is one of those guys that has worked hard his entire life and now his body is wearing out. In a matter of days I was in the USA with my family. Dad’s health was grave but with the right medical care and lots of prayer he has recovered and is now resting at home in his own bed. In March my daughter, Alex was married, the wedding was a wonderful celebration with family and friends. With Dad on the mends, I was able to visit with friends at Nauvoo UMC (West Portsmouth, OH), New Hope UMC (Proctorville, OH), Welcome Home Chris an Fellowship (Lucasville, OH) and Advance Memorial UMC (Flatwoods, KY). I had the pleasure of spending Christmas with my family (1st time in 7yrs); attended a Bridal Shower; washed cars for a Relay for Life fundraiser and shared dinner with some of my favorite ladies. While the political battles were raging in the USA, so were the battles in Mozambique. Military escorts for travelers thru parts of central Mozambique. Numerous violent skirmishes between the parties left several dead, properties destroyed and civilians afraid and desperate. To make matters worse the El Nino caused a great drought across the region, resulting in poor harvests for most villages. The snowball continues to tumble with price hikes in fuel and food costs, making it even more difficult for the locals to make ends meet. It may sound bleak at the moment but I know God is still in control. I know He is “limitless” and when we call on his name in faith He is always faithful to hear the cry of his children. Making us “limitless”
Moving Forward
Sometimes we just don’t know how things will work out.; when our ship will come in; or what tomorrow holds. We, as believers, just know that God is in control and it will be better than we can imagine or dream. Take for instance my time in the USA . It was mostly spent with my family and helping to look after my dad, I did very little speaking or fundraising and at times was very concerned about how I would buy my ticket home to Africa. God knew, in just one morning I had enough to pay for my airfare and my shuttle, transport all the way from Cincinnati to Nelspruit. The week before flying back I received word that my truck needed serious repairs, about $1000 worth. “Lord, where is that gonna come from?” It was there. I was able to get new contact lenses, bring back supplies, pay for my truck repairs and buy 2 sewing machines. I’m not bragging, I’m testifying. After the long drought in Mozambique the rains came too late for the crops but enough to cause some damage to our foundation walls. I had $112 in my pocket, we were able to exchange it to 6,500 mzn. That allowed us to purchase more rebar and tying wire. Charles has spoken to a contractor and we are going to repair the damage, build the pillar forms and start making blocks to secure the foundation walls. If I were to say, I know how and when this is all gonna happen, I’d be lying. I just believe that it will and it can. We have begun organizing small groups of ladies to sew and crochet, maybe even some jewelry making. To help sustain them during the up coming hunger season. With the poor harvest and price hikes they will need an alternative for income and food. Pray with us that He will surprise them with His provision and grace. We are moving forward.
FYI - Progress Report
As we are well into 2016 here is an update on our progress for the Algum Lugar Especial Project (Some place Special). While I was away in the USA there was not much progress. The late rains caused some damage to the foundation walls. Thanks to your generosity we are able to hire men to clean up the damage and have already purchased 20 bags of cement to begin making blocks for the foundation walls. Later this week we will transfer money from the USA to our new Mozambique account this will help minimize the banking fees and allow more of your gifts to be spent toward the actual project and not the fees incurred. We have purchased balance of the rebar, as well as cement and sand for block making so we can bring the foundations to floor level and set the pillars. Good News for us is that even though the prices have increased so has the exchange rate current cost for a bag of cement is $5.98. (less than a cup of coffee).
This is what we purchased so far in May
Pillars: 90- #12 rebar @ 160 ea. ($3.75)
-250- #6 rebar @ 53 ea. ($1.00)
-100 Kilos tying wire 700 ($12.5)
-Labor frames 12000 ($215)
-100 bags cement @ 320 ea. ($598)
-50 pillars $1,427.50
The next phase: the foundation walls
-3000 Cement Blocks: $3,286
-120 bags cement @320 ea. ($720)
-1 Block Mold @ 800 ($15)
-50 Lds. Sand @ 1200 ea. ($1,071)
-12 Lds. Rock @ 2500 ea. ($536)
Labor 50,000 ($893)
Complete Foundation $4713.5